January 22, 2014

Cloudy Days

Dark Clouds
Heavy shower
God has not let us speak
in the poring weather

Cant hear
Nor near
We cry inside
In the gummy night

Awaiting Sunshine
Pleading God
With my heart
Make us come out of all

This is for Poetry Jam.... Clouds

I am having a cloudy time, We are trying get our son into  Grade 1 but schools are thinking for giving admission as my son is Handicapped he cant walk, He the most smartest child i have seen in his peer group but schools are rejecting him because of his disability. Wish the socity gets more matured and just accept things. We have been trying and its too bad now I have decided to fight for him education is basic rights so they cant say no to my son just because he is disable. Just keep fingers crossed.


  1. I like how you have used clouds as a metaphor for what your son is going through. No wonder you are waiting for sunshine! I hope your son soon finds a school. You are right, education is a basic right.

  2. may god bless you and your family. I hope sun shines soon on you.

  3. Your pleads are not unheard and will not go unanswered. The clouds will break.

    "In the gummy night" - good word painting.

  4. good write; have a nice Wednesday

    much love...

  5. Lasha, I hope your family comes through its 'cloudy time.' Your son is fortunate to have a mother who is willing to fight for him. I do hope you find that sunshine you are awaiting & there is a school that will take him!

  6. how heartbreaking on them turning an eye because of his disability...some of the smartest people i know are disabled..oy....don't let the clouds overcome you...fight back...this is discrimination...

  7. Hope you and your family find that sunshine soon!

  8. Clouds as a metaphor for your situation... I like that. But I hate that you are going through that. Best of luck!

  9. We cry inside - I feel that pain and that forlorn hope. Praying for you. Great write.

  10. I wonder if that school has ever heard of Stephen Hawking? I do hope you find a school who will see your son for the brilliant boy he is and that the sun soon shines your way! Keep looking - there is the right school for him out there! Mary is right, he is lucky he has you to advocate for him.

  11. Hope is a powerful feeling and it helps us rise above the clouds to see the lovely blue of the sky...

  12. A cloudy time for your family. Terrible to think that a bright child would be denied education because of a physical disability even in the 21st century. Good luck.


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HAVE A GREAT DAY MY PALS............... ;)

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