March 14, 2014


 Its been coming
2 days of abnormal movement
couldn't sleep 
couldn't turn
except for the pain
below the abdomen
It was different.
What is happening inside me
I couldn't judge a thing
pain only i could feel
Not even what they say 
I was in an emergency
Bleeding started light
Now i am bleeding a lot 
Its two in the night.
Dr call me to labour room
For I fright
I am due only next month
What is happening 
is the baby alright
Dr rush
sounds of alarms heard
nothing register
Only thing i could feel
pain in the back 
suddenly something released
a feeble voice i heard
I didn't even see
All i could here my nurse
rush him in spry
left alone in the labour room
for no one to answer my query
Mom came and said
I will be right back
Happy on business trip
to far away land
I close my eyes
lay their
for no one could be there 
to say a word
until dawn sunrise pair..............

This is written for dVerse MTB, where Brian is prompting us to write a poem using any senses except sight.    This happened almost 6 years back on 28th July 2008 when he was born.
I was in hospital and he was taken to neonatal. after 21 days he came home to me... those pain i could still feel in back of my bone. They used force-subs to bring him as I had pressure and he was not pushing. o my god I can never forget that felling i was just blind folded. I got this feeling immediately when u told me without sight.... this was a without sight i could only feel not see even though i was awake.


  1. wow....that had to be so not be able to see or understand...worrying about the baby, yourself....oy....shiver....very nicely done lasha...

  2. Oh my, such a difficult thing to go through alone and not have your questions answered, feeling pain..too much blood is not right. and when you are young and it's your first child, you don't know what to expect. ..all you can do is hold onto someone or something....too bad they were far away ;)

  3. You have captured this experience masterfully. I could feel the pain right with you in your poem. There was no doubt as I read this poem that this was NOT wrote it with a very strong voice & the pain is palpable.

  4. I'm glad everything turned out okay.

  5. oh my...that sounds like a scary experience... i'm glad that everything turned out good... i can imagine the angst..

  6. What an experience.. such a bliss it turned out well.. but still those moments.. I can so understand that the feeling linger..

  7. I too could tell your poem was based on something you had gone through. Your words are strong and precise.

  8. I feel the panic and anxiety in this - glad the ending is a fine one


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