November 28, 2013

World around

Walking out the house
We see so many people around
Some are smiling
Some are angry
some have no reaction at all

I walk to the bus stop
Waiting for the bus
I see a child 
Ask his mother 
For when the bus will be here
She answers him with a lovely smile
Soon we will be off singing
"  Wheels on the Bus goes"
 That brings the charm for all 

I walk to the market 
picking up vegs and fruits
I see the vender 
Offering me all
I carefully pick my stuffs
With a smile
He weighs it all 

I walk back home 
with all the things packed
As I see across the park
I see people 
Hugging and greating each other
Lovers happy with thier love
Mothers happy with their child
Hubby's happy to have their wifes 
Around their arms
with nothing to think beyond........

Poetry Jam - Gratitude Lists 


  1. Refreshing... I enjoyed your walk.

  2. a good thankful errand, thanks for sharing

    much love...

  3. A beautiful walk, a wonderful outlook on the world.

  4. with nothign to think beyond....bliss is what we seek in our journey

  5. What a lovely walk with you here. Gave me a smile to read this.

  6. what a lovely stroll you have given us!

  7. Enjoyed taking this walk with you!

  8. Thank you for taking us with you as you walk.

  9. a full circle of life, love, happiness
    nice reflection


Thanks For Visiting me.... I am very Honored by your presence.... Sorry If I haven't replied to you.... Will surely visit your page and share my Thoughts.....

HAVE A GREAT DAY MY PALS............... ;)

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