September 11, 2013

Lost Thoughts

Losing my thoughts
Over a slip of a mike
Glass broken and shattered
Heart throbbing,Over split milk.

Losing my mind 
Out of heart felt
Lost dreams and lost hopes
Life holds nothing but sorrow 
Over shadow of love

Losing my place
In the beautiful world
Heart not accepting
Over losing everything 
As nothing stands permanent at all

Words were never shared
True feeling were never exposed
Beauty of love never fulfilled
Mad thoughts went unexpressed

Lost love
Lost hope 
Lost heart
Lost everything in all.................


  1. dang...when you love love hope and heart you are in deep trouble.....the words never shared...those are the ones that scare me most...

  2. indeed we need to keep our mind under our control....... lovely!!

  3. Losses of any kind really are difficult. You have written about many losses, even one of which would be hard but I think the hardest would be having 'lost heart.' I enjoyed your poem and also how you arranged the pictures, Lasha.

  4. Love and loss . . . powerful combo.

  5. awww ... when we love we do put it all out there and risk being dashed hard if love goes awry ... so sad.

  6. lovely words that paint a beautiful forlorn picture. Really lovely.

  7. Sad things to lose, both love and hope. . You created a mood here.

  8. Sad... but the heart is resilient.

  9. lost hope is the greatest lost...sad......nicely done :)

  10. I feel every ounce of angst in your words ... nice writing!!

  11. The pain of all those losses is so hard, I like how you wrote in steps, like falling down through the losses (my impression) :-)

  12. THE hardest "lesson" of life...


Thanks For Visiting me.... I am very Honored by your presence.... Sorry If I haven't replied to you.... Will surely visit your page and share my Thoughts.....

HAVE A GREAT DAY MY PALS............... ;)

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