August 13, 2014

Home Not home anymore

Born in a family
Married to another
Father mother now alone
But still not my home
Heart deep inside grown up space
Cant live their any more
My home is where my hubby lives
That is also not for me
Its only for in laws to live
Your space , privacy
all in stake.
only you have to adjust 
and live a life of discomfort
may wonder,
Where is my space
For I want my private state.......................


  1. that can def be hard...depending on your culture...or circumstance...
    i think we all want that place of our own...a place to call home...
    and when we are always in anothers home...
    that can wear on you.

  2. This resonates on many levels.

  3. there are cases when the only place called home is the place of privacy.. for other's there is just loneliness.. we need both as human beings.

  4. I can relate to that wanting for personal space even in our own home ~ How sad is you can'f find your peace and home ~ Hope it will eventually work out for you ~


Thanks For Visiting me.... I am very Honored by your presence.... Sorry If I haven't replied to you.... Will surely visit your page and share my Thoughts.....

HAVE A GREAT DAY MY PALS............... ;)

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